Schoolwide Course Policy Content
Monte Vista teachers provide students and familes with a Course Policy at the beginning of the year or semester, which outlines the requirements and expectations for their class. This might be presented digitally or on paper, and will require that the student and family/caregiver acknowledge that they received this information by signing and submitting a form, per the teacher's instructions.
Some Course Policy items are specific to a course/subject area/department, and some items are schoolwide practices. Below are the items that are uniform across all classes, schoolwide, using a parallel organizational structure and common language. However, individual teachers may provide ADDITIONAL information in their class-specific Course Policy. It is important that families review each teacher's individual Course Policy (those are NOT posted here) in order to understand all of the requirements and expectations for that Course.
Any questions about a specific teacher's Course Policy should be directed toward that teacher.
One of our highest priorities is keeping parents and caregivers informed about how their student is doing. If your family is more comfortable communicating with teachers or staff in your home language, feel free to use a program like Google Translate. Please also let us know what your home language is, so we can return your communication.
Step 1: Student talks with Teacher
Step 2: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Teacher
Step 2: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Teacher
Step 3: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Counselor
Step 4: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Teacher, Counselor and Assistant Principal
Step 5: Student and Parent/Caregiver meets with Teacher, Counselor, Assistant Principal and Principal
Please refer to our Monte Vista Handbook to read more about communication protocols.
Please refer to our Monte Vista Handbook to read more about communication protocols.
Monte Vista believes that providing an excellent education is a shared responsibility involving the entire school community. We provide our students with learning opportunities that help them develop intellectually, emotionally, and physically in order to reach their full potential. Monte Vista provides a safe, equitable environment that fosters resilience and promotes ethical and emotional growth, lifelong learning, and informed citizenship. We provide a comprehensive support system that helps our students thrive.
- Critical Thinkers who apply their knowledge, skills and experiences to solve problems and actively seek out and listen to a variety of perspectives to draw informed conclusions.
- Creative Contributors who engage in problem solving, inquiry and innovative solutions to improve societal outcomes, demonstrate originality and imaginative ideas, and generate new and meaningful solutions.
- Intentional Collaborators who demonstrate the ability to work within a group to achieve common goals, integrate diverse perspectives and ideas, and enrich the learning of both self and others.
- Adaptable Learners who demonstrate the ability to adjust to new situations, respond productively to feedback, and to empathize with diverse views.
- Effective Communicators who articulate ideas clearly in a variety of forms and contexts, listen with empathy to decipher meaning and intentions, and demonstrate the ability to give presentations for a range of purposes and audiences.
- Ethical, Respectful, and Responsible Citizens who demonstrate compassion, empathy and respect to others and take responsibility for their actions.
For general information about our school-wide Monte Vista academic guidelines please refer to our 2024-25 Student Handbook
Monte Vista is a No Place for Hate School. We put an emphasis on creating respectful and empathetic classroom communities so that students from all identities, abilities, and perspectives feel seen and heard. Student safety is critical for effective learning and for feeling connected to school, adults, and peers. Embracing and celebrating diversity of lived experiences in the classroom environment can be viewed as an opportunity to enrich, and as a resource that can benefit everyone.
Per District Board Policy (BP 5121): A teacher shall base a student's grades on impartial, consistent observation of the quality of the student's work and his/her mastery of course content and district standards. Students shall have the opportunity to demonstrate this mastery through a variety of methods.
Per District Board Policy (BP 5121): A teacher shall base a student's grades on impartial, consistent observation of the quality of the student's work and his/her mastery of course content and district standards. Students shall have the opportunity to demonstrate this mastery through a variety of methods.
Students may drop a course within the first 3 weeks of the semester without the class or grade appearing on the transcript. If a course is dropped after the third week of a semester, the teacher may give an "N" grade or an "F" grade depending on the quality of the student's work to date and provided that proper notice concerning the possibility of failure has been given to the parents/caregivers. Parents/caregivers may request a teacher- conference to discuss the implications of an "F" grade (AR 5121).
All students receive a district Chromebook to use for schoolwork. It is required for online standardized state testing, as well as for some CollegeBoard exams (PSAT, AP). If your student needs a Chromebook or technical support please contact SRVUSD Technology services at this website:
Cell Phones that are out during class time may be confiscated. Cell phones that are out during a test may result in the student receiving a zero on the test.
SRVUSD acknowledges that globally, education systems are recognizing the transformative nature of AI. As AI becomes increasingly commonplace, it is apparent that students must be prepared to navigate new tools. Fortunately, the SRVUSD Learner Profile consists of skills that are uniquely human, which can complement this work. Please read more about the SRVUSD Guiding Principles of AI here.
SRVUSD’s homework policy and regulations emphasize that students, staff and parents/caregivers should take an active role regarding homework including communication between students and faculty when homework becomes overwhelming and parents/caregivers contacting teachers if their child consistently cannot keep up with the homework.
Homework can include practicing a skill or process that students can do independently but not fluently, elaborating on information that has been addressed in class to deepen students’ knowledge, providing opportunities for students to explore topics of their own interest, and reading. Of note:
- No more than 2 hours of homework per course per week and no more than 30 minutes per night per course will be assigned, including weekends.
- Some portions of projects may be assigned as homework.
- No homework, including long term projects, will be assigned during school recesses
- Per Ed. Code, students must be allowed a reasonable amount of time to make up a test if they have an excused absence.
Per SRVUSD Board Policy:
Per SRVUSD Board Policy:
- Students who miss school work because of an excused absence shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Students shall receive full credit for work satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time (BP 6154).
- No student may have his/her grade reduced or lose academic credit for any excused absence when missed assignments and tests are satisfactorily completed within a reasonable period of time (AR 6154).
- Students who miss school work because of unexcused absences may be given the opportunity to make up missed work for full or reduced credit. Teachers shall assign such makeup work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure (BP 6154).
- When students miss school work because of suspensions, the Board expects that teachers shall give students the opportunity to make up missed work. Teachers shall assign such makeup work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure (BP 6154).
- If a student misses class without an excuse and does not subsequently turn in homework, take a test, or fulfill another class requirement which he/she missed, the teacher may lower the student's grade for nonperformance (BP 5121).
Monte Vista High School regards the academic conduct of our students to be a critical part of their education. Academic INTEGRITY requires students to properly demonstrate their talents through the utilization of suitable formats, proper citation methods, and HONESTY for themselves, their fellow students, and their instructors. We believe it is critical to master this behavior during high school in order to successfully navigate the educational systems and/or work environments our students will encounter once they leave Monte Vista High School.
Academic Dishonesty is defined as presenting materials or work prepared by another person/persons or by Artificial Intelligence as the student’s own work without crediting the source. This includes, but is not limited to failing to expressly acknowledge the research, writing, or work by someone other than the student, claiming authorship as his/her own; presenting as his/her own, or as a new and original idea or product derived from an existing source. As technology is seamlessly embedded into learning, please be familiar with the SRVUSD Responsible Use Policies, which guide our values at MVHS.
- Student will receive a zero for the assignment pertaining to the violation
- Teacher will contact parents/caregivers AND report the violation to administration to be recorded in the student’s disciplinary file.
- Repeat offenders may be subject to suspension from class and/or further disciplinary action.
Further information can be found in the 2024-25 Student Handbook.
Monte Vista High School’s Administration and Faculty emphasize the importance of daily student attendance. Students are expected to attend classes daily and attendance will be taken during each class period. For more information on the MVHS Attendance policies, please see the 2024-25 Student Handbook.
Monte Vista High School’s Administration and Faculty emphasize the importance of daily student attendance. Students are expected to attend classes daily and attendance will be taken during each class period. For more information on the MVHS Attendance policies, please see the 2024-25 Student Handbook.
According to Ed. Code 48910 (a): A teacher may suspend any pupil from class, for the day of the suspension and the day following. The teacher shall immediately report the suspension to the [appropriate administrator]. As soon as possible, the teacher shall ask the parent/caregiver or guardian of the pupil to attend a parent/caregiver-teacher conference regarding the suspension. If practicable, a school counselor or a school psychologist may attend the conference. A school administrator shall attend the conference if the teacher or the parent or caregiver so requests.
Should a student behave inappropriately, the teacher will communicate with the student about appropriate learning behavior. Should the problem persist, the teacher will contact the student’s parent or caregiver. Additionally, administration will be notified regarding egregious behavior and further disciplinary action may be taken. Please keep our Communication Protocol in mind:
Step 1: Student talks with Teacher
Step 2: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Teacher
Step 3: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Counselor
Step 4: Student and Parent/Caregiver talks with Teacher, Counselor and Assistant Principal
Step 5: Student and Parent/Caregiver meets with Teacher, Counselor, Assistant Principal and Principal