
The MVHS Athletic Booster Sports Liaison (Liaison) is an integral part of the relationship between the MVHS Athletic Boosters and the individual athletic programs. The parents who occupy these positions play a vital role in the operation and improvement of the athletic programs.
Liaisons for each MVHS Club/Team shall be appointed by the Head Coach for the sport or the Athletic Director. To ensure adequate representation of all sports, Liaisons for each division within a sport (frosh, junior varsity and varsity) are encouraged. The Liaison role is a volunteer position with significant duties that contribute to the successful operations of the MVHS Athletic Boosters. Liaison duties include:
- Be an active representative of the respective Club/Team by attending all MVAB meetings or sending a representative, as needed.
- Actively participate in the monthly MVAB meetings; provide insight and input as needed, including voting on various matters brought forth by the MVAB Executive Board.
- Provide reports on the activities & events of their respective sport team.
- Communicate with the Head Coach and team parents regarding MVAB matters and activities.
- Organize volunteers from their respective sport team to help at MVAB fundraising events.
If the Liaison fulfills these duties, the MVHS Athletic Boosters provides a donation to the Liaison’s team for the time and commitment of their Liaison.