Suggested donation - $650 per student
Suggested donation - $650 per student![]()
Suggested donation - $650 per student
Every dollar big & small combine to make a big impact. Please give as you are able.
1. Download donation form
2. Make your check payable to:
Monte Vista Academic Boosters
3. Mail check & completed form to:
3131 Stone Valley Road
Danville, CA 94526
2. Make your check payable to:
Monte Vista Academic Boosters
3. Mail check & completed form to:
3131 Stone Valley Road
Danville, CA 94526
Donate Stock
Donate Stock![]()
Donate Stock
Did you know that Monte Vista also accepts stock donations? If you own shares of publicly traded stocks, please consider donating them to our school to support our wonderful programs. You may be able to write off the entire value of the appreciated stock; please contact your tax advisor for professional guidance. Download form below to begin process.
Need help or have questions?
Need help or have questions?
Company Matching Donations
Company Matching Donations![]()
Company Matching Donations
Company Matching is a program where a company or corporation will "match" the amount of an employee's charitable donation to a non-profit organization such as Monte Vista Academic Boosters. It may involve completing some forms, but it does not cost the employee anything to apply for these extra funds - and what a wonderful benefit when you can double (sometimes even triple) the amount of your donation!
DONATE TODAY! Click here to verify if your company matches
DONATE TODAY! Click here to verify if your company matches
Thank you for your generosity
Monte Vista Academic Boosters - Monte Vista's Dedicated Education Fund Thank you for your generosity![]()
Monte Vista Academic Boosters - Monte Vista's Dedicated Education Fund
Thank you for your generosity
Monte Vista Academic Boosters Tax ID# 68-0260241