Tech Support

Device Connection, Gmail, Naviance![]()
Device Connection, Gmail, Naviance
Slide Deck: MV Student Technology Orientation Presentation
Tech Support Contacts
This webpage has more information about student digital security.
Connecting Student's Personal Devices (includes computers & phones)
Personal devices can be connected to the SRVUSD-BYOD wireless network
Username: STUDENTS\student_ID_number (Example: STUDENTS\123456)
Password (case-sensitive): This will be the same password used to log into Google and Schoology accounts
Student Accounts and Gmail
Click on Using to Change Student Passwords for:
New student account information including student username and default password conventions
How to change your current password or temporary default password
Naviance Login
Clck for Instructions on how students log into NavianceFind more details under the MV College and Career Center website.