Parking and Traffic
All students and staff members who park on campus must have a current, valid Parking Permit. Students may not park in spaces reserved for Visitors or Staff.
Beginning August 27, 2024, citations will be issued to illegally parked cars or cars without permits.
Student Parking Permits 2024-25
Student Parking Permits 2024-25![]()
MVHS Students may now apply for Parking Permits. View the slide show above before submitting your application as it outlines the process. Key notes:
- Student Parking Permits and spaces are ASSIGNED by number. There is a process to follow if someone else parks in your assigned spot, or if you bring a different car to school for a short time. Seniors who have submitted required documents, received approval, and paid for their spot, will be assigned first. Juniors will follow. View the slide show for all of those details and timelines.
- All SRVUSD students are required to attend a Start Smart Class in order to acquire a student Parking Permit.
Students must attend this class with at least one parent / guardian in order to be eligible. The program is held in person at one of our high schools, presented by a CHP Officer. Students must use their student Gmail account to access the sign-up form. Non-SRVUSD emails will not have access to the form. Note: The presentation contains graphic images, which are unsuitable for children under 15 years old.
- Once assigned a Parking Permit, MVHS students must adhere and agree to the Rules & Regulations
- Purchase of a Parking Permit is dependent upon all documents being valid and approved. Our Bookkeeping office will contact the applicant directly with a payment link once approval has been granted.

Our goal is to keep traffic flowing while prioritizing safety. To lessen traffic, Monte Vista families may opt to subscribe to the Traffix bus service, utilize the public County Connection bus service, organize carpools, or purchase a student Parking Permit per the instructions listed above (available for 600+ cars). In addition, many students have staggered schedules (i.e. attending school periods 1-5 or 2-7). Please consider an option that works for your family.
Parking is not allowed in the red zone on Stone Valley Road and is subject to ticketing
BY LAW: Fire Lanes Must Be Clear At All Times! Not to be used for pick-up, drop off or parking. This is considered a civil code violation.
Safety is a priority we can all agree upon. Please drive slowly on campus. Do not multitask, text, or otherwise partake in distracting activities. Pay complete attention to students that could be stepping into traffic, or cars that may make quick lane changes as they are focused on finding their students, not on other vehicles. Obey all traffic laws coming in and out of both parking lots, and do not block any exit lanes or intersections at any time! Traffic is truly a group effort and any change can make a difference.
Visitor parking spots are located in the first 3 rows of the lot by the large gym as well as along Stone Valley Road. Visitors must check and provide the main office with the Visitor spot number and a contact phone number while on campus in order to ensure they will not be ticketed.
PEDESTRIANS always have the right-of-way
Use the crosswalks and sidewalks. Cars are not expecting people to be crossing other places. Remove headphones/earbuds, do not look down at your phone, and LOOK BOTH WAYS while crossing.
We need to work together as a community - please consider one or more of these options:
- Skip the prime time: Arriving just 10 minutes earlier and picking up 10 minutes later can make a huge difference. Workday Student Center is open before and after school for students if they need a place to be. We know to arrive early before a flight- why not do the same for school? Set up your student for a successful, stress free day with early arrival, time to walk to class and get settled. By the time students enter high school, they need to learn to be responsible for their own tardies and attendance.
- Avoid the student lots: Drop off and pick up students at Los Cerros Middle School. We have heard that students enjoy the short walk along the trail to MV as use it as a time to transition into/out of school "mode." Students can also be dropped off at adjascent Oak Hill Park (and it's faster to get in/out of that parking lots for drivers), or a nearby church parking lot (St. Timothy’s, Rolling Hills, LDS). meet up with friends there and walk into school together. Sometimes students walking away from school is the fastest!
- Create a carpool: Save the environment, minimize cars on the road, and make new friends all at the same time!
- Encourage students to walk or ride a bike: We are so fortunate to live in a beautiful area and in a temperate climate! Our friends on the east coast are jealous. Take advantage!
The horseshoe driveway is used by buses before and after school and by students during school hours. KEEP THIS AREA CLEAR AT ALL OTHER TIMES FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES. Any parking off the side areas of this driveway is for Admin and Staff. Drivers should consider another option for pick up and drop off (see below for ideas).
- After dropping off your students, vehicles should continue to move slowly through drop off zone allowing others to move in to drop off their students behind you.
- To keep traffic flowing, ALWAYS TURN RIGHT out of the Horseshoe. If you plan to drive west on Stone Valley, then you should use the light and the North Lot.
- The Horseshoe is closed midday for student safety during lunch and Student Support.
from the exit of the horseshoe to the entrance of the horseshoe
There is limited space to park in front of the gym. To keep the area moving, use a parking space to load students instead of an exit lane. Although we do not have police ticketing these behaviors, be aware we are all neighbors and need to work together to keep this area moving.
The bonus of using this lot is the signal - because cars may exit in BOTH the east and west directions. Cars waiting for students should pull all the way into a parking space instead of blocking the exit lanes and stopping the traffic flow.