Jerry Grundhoffer

Jerry was born in Palo Alto and later moved to Merced. After serving in the United States Marine Corps and attending San Jose State, Jerry started his career in education as a teacher and coach at San Ramon Valley High School. He then moved into administration at Monte Vista, first as a dean and soon after as an assistant principal. In 1976, after the passing of then Principal Sam Zacheim (for whom the stadium is named after) Jerry was named Monte Vista High School Principal. Jerry believed that Monte Vista, then a ten-year-old school, would need three things to bring the school the overdue recognition that it deserved; a 100+ member marching band, a quality speech and a debate program, and championship athletic teams. Under Jerry’s leadership all three of those goals were accomplished. Jerry was particularly proud of the accomplishments of the football program and the three consecutive North Coast Section Championships that were won with his support and leadership. Jerry cared a great deal about the success of all Monte Vista students and would receive correspondence from former students’ years after they left MV thanking Jerry for his support and direction. In 1987 Jerry moved on to the SRVUSD District Office where he served as Director of Secondary Education until his retirement in 1998. Jerry passed away in 2000 and the new Auxiliary Gymnasium at Monte Vista was named in his honor when it was opened.